Do We Protect Our Children Or Sexual Deviates? Part 2

In Part I of this article, I showed how the medical profession and our government have been complicit in supporting the Gay, Lesbian, Transgender issue in our schools, our society as a whole and the new push to have the world accept pedophilia by giving it medical labels.

Legislation is just waiting to get enough support to force you to think their way and accept the behavior being pushed onto our children on a daily basis.

The Little Black BookIs this the future? “The Little Black – Queer In the 21st Century” was distributed to hundreds of kids (middle school age and up) at Brookline High School, Brookline, MA. It was written by the Boston-based AIDS Action Committee, with help with the MA Department of Public Health and the Boston Public Health Commission with financial support from GLSEN.

There is growing support for this organization’s cause, as demonstrated by its newly publicized ties with many educators on the local level, and some very powerful national allies including the National Education Association (NEA).

Is your child’s teacher supporting this or just staying quiet? It is time to ask the questions of both your children and the teachers. Talk to your children daily – did the teacher do or say anything he or she told them not to tell their parents; did they give them work to do you can’t take home; was the teacher asking personal family questions! Talk! Talk! Talk!

Teachers are following the support of the NRA rather than stand behind their beliefs because they know their school boards can easily replace them with “free thinking” Teach for America teachers who are mostly non-union and that saves the school districts money.

What are “Teach for America” (TFA) teachers? In case you aren’t aware, the way Teach for America works is in the spring each year, they wander into college and university campuses around the country looking for “recruits” to train. They don’t have to have gone to college to be a teacher just that they are graduating and have not been able to find a job. They recruit them stating “we can teach you everything you need to know to be able to teach by spending 5 weeks in the summer with us”! Most are non-union which will give you the reason school districts like to hire them and they take less wages.
So good-bye to the good teachers who cannot support what is happening in our schools.

Its Perfectly NormalParents who don’t ask the questions will be very surprised at the literature, books and information being used to educate their children about sex – all sex and at an early age.

Behind GLSEN’s promotion of “tolerance” and “safety,” however, are the sordid realities of what GLSEN actually supports. Just about every type of sexual practice imaginable is “celebrated” and even graphically described in first-person stories by students in GLSEN’s recommended literature.

GLSEN also supports gender distortion through cross-dressing, even in books recommended for elementary school children.

Criminal, underage sexual contact between adults and minors is a frequent, casual theme in these materials.

Planned Parenthood, a long-time GLSEN ally, brought enough kits for everyone at the 2005 event and laid them out on their table for all to take. Massachusetts News reported, “Out of approximately 650 attendees, about 400 of those were students.” 250 adults at a Planned Parenthood event out of 650 attendees? So I guess the wolf was supervising the event!

Planned Parenthood of MA distributed kits for fisting and oral sex. The label on the zip locked package says, “It protects against STD’s,” and bears the Planned Parenthood logo and phone number. (Pictures on the internet of the “fisting kits) were so graphic I would not post them here).

Please don’t think that because most references here relates to MA that this is not going on in your child’s school all over the country. This is just the area where the big push came from. Oregon All Schools! Thank You Kathleen Sibelius! Is she really a mother and grandmother? Good riddance to bad trash!

Using the schools as its primary platform, GLSEN conveys its message of cultural change through the web site, books and curricular material, teacher-training workshops, and in after-school homosexual clubs for students.

We now have the statements from the president regarding transgender’s in the schools – transgender CHILDREN who barely know who they are let alone their sexual preference but then we are now back to “experimentation”.

The U.S. Departments of Justice and Education agree that if you deny a transgender girl from using a boy’s restroom at school or vice-versa that the school district is in violation of Title IX.

Once again any time you take any portion of a red penny from the Federal government they own you!

Where do you think the control is going to come from when you have more boys using the girls restroom’s and the girls using the boys and the incidences of rape escalate?

Dr. John Diggs, a specialist in internal medicine who lectures about STDs, said that the kits create a false sense of security. “I’ve written a brochure about this whole thing,” he said. “The way I describe it is, I ask ‘How many people want to take a bite of a sandwich without taking the wrapper off?’ ‘How many people want to suck on balloons?’ Nobody does.”

Dr. John DiggsDiggs said when you encourage kids to use such a barrier by saying it is “safe,” then when it comes time for them to use it, they find they don’t like it and throw it aside. Because they are already in an aroused condition they continue on and increase the chances of spreading STD’s orally like syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, HIV, human hematoma virus and hepatitis B.

How does pedophilia relate to GLSEN? They are both openly targeting children of all ages for their own sexual gratification and self-indulgence.

The large movement here is the on-line pedophile movement – usually away from the eyes of parents or guardians.

I want to address the classifications of a pedophile – sex offender or predator! A sex offender can be a sex abuser, or someone who is caught urinating in the street. A predator who is someone actually hunting down their prey – child or adult. The word “pedophile is what determines who their prey is.

kevin jenningsFor me Jennings can be a gay man and I could care less, but when you intentionally try to convince our children to follow your path – and for what purpose? So your GLSEN group of members can attract otherwise “straight” children and recruit them into the Gay Lesbian lifestyle!

Encouraging the close proximity of the children and adults in this kind of sexual preference to this writer is PEDOPHILIA!

Are all gays Pedophiles? NO! In fact more straight men and women are pedophiles, but in this writer’s mind when you spend all your time focusing on convincing young children they are gay – you have stepped over the line.

Jennings and those like him have created a depraved, sick, and perverted sense of safety in American schools.

In a 1990 “report” for the MA Governor’s Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth, Jennings is the individual who proposed taking the term “safe schools” and changing its meaning to mean a pro-homosexual school where it was “Safe” to teach homosexual behavior to children under the name of “Preventing Bullying”.

This is what he is really all about.It is what his “mission” is. Is this the way for HIM to justify his sexual choices? Another piece of the Obama administration that was and is trash and thank God he is gone from inside the Education system. However, he is definitely still around!

And our president knew all this so now what are we supposed to believe? Maybe he just doesn’t like children in general (strongly supports abortion), or is it just another way to slow down the population according to the Communist Manifesto and the United Nations NWO doctrine?

Whatever the mindset is, they are once again using our children to practice a deviant behavior without the children or their parents knowing what the full intent is. Implementing this behavior under the smoke screen of “social justice” is a deception of a grand magnitude. A little bit like the Common Core and Charter/Choice deception, only worse.

These people are evil! Anyone who uses children in a damaging, hurtful way are just plain evil. There is no other way to say it!

Speaking of which, Jennings wrote the foreword for a book entitled “Queering Elementary Education: Advancing the Dialogue about Sexualities and Schooling”, which includes an essay that indicates that “‘queerly raised’ children are agents” who should employ “strategies of adaptation, negotiation, resistance, and subversion,” to others.

I call it a form of Sexual Indoctrination!

Queering Ele EducAmongst the ludicrous writing in this forward Jennings states the racially motivated dragging death of James Byrd by hateful Texas racists to the tragic death of Matthew Shepard the young man in Wyoming who was allegedly beaten to death because of his sexual orientation. It’s typical for far left radicals to equate the choice of one’s sexuality with a benign characteristic such as skin color. It disgraces both demographics by making the comparison.

But while you are here, jump to the back cover and you can read the name of one of its endorsers: William Ayers of the University of Illinois at Chicago. Wake up America!

Ayers writes, “Queering Elementary Education” is an important contribution to nourishing the ethical heart of teaching, reminding us how anemic and cold and partial our embrace of our students has too often been. For some readers this collection will be an affirmation, for others a surprise and challenge. But it is a book for all teachers and parents, indeed for anyone concerned with the healthy development of children and schools. And, yes, it has an agenda: it stands straight and strong for fairness, for respect, for humanity, for simple decency.”

Somehow I don’t think his idea of “simple decency” is the same as yours or mine.

Ayers is not just a terrorist who attacked government buildings. He’s an advocate of revolution in America by indoctrinating and sexually corrupting the next generation the same as Obama is.

Over the years we have heard that pedophilia has marched all the way to the White House in the scandals of the 1980 and 90’s, but then of course most of us never wanted to believe something like that of our elected officials. However, over the years we have certainly learned they cannot be trusted either – in a variety of ways.

Those of us that follow Human Trafficking know that a large portion of that involvement is pedophiles. This is also another article.

Parent’s watch your children and the adults that are around them. Look for changed behaviors – drugs is certainly not the only thing that could make your child depressed or withdrawn.

None of us wants to believe our friend, neighbor, child’s coach or day care worker, teacher or minister would be capable of using a child in this fashion, but the courts will tell you otherwise.

I again want to reiterate I am not against gays, homosexuals or transgenders. I am however against their use of CHILDREN to further their cause and gratification.

As Rush Limbaugh stated last year, “the left will work at normalizing pedophilia just like it has gay marriage”!

You can read Part 1 here.


Do We Protect Our Children or Sexual Deviates? Part I

People can classify themselves as heterosexual, homosexual, asexual, or metrosexual. There are endless sexual orientations under the sun, and now, pedophilia can be added to the list.

Now we are told we are going to address pedophilia as a mental disorder and it is going to be “sorted” by whom you are attracted to, if you act on it or if you don’t.

In the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM V), (this is the neat book your doctor has to use to code your illness) the American Psychological Association (APA) drew a very distinct line between pedophilia and pedophilic disorder.

Pedophilia refers to a sexual orientation or profession of sexual preference devoid of consummation, whereas pedophilic disorder is defined as a compulsion and is used in reference to individuals who act on their sexuality.

APAAPA’s decision has given rise to numerous pedophilia-advocacy groups, the chief of them being B4U-ACT, a non-profit grassroots organization based in Maryland. Created in 2003 primarily as a means for “minor-attracted persons” to be open about their sexual preferences in a supportive atmosphere, B4U-ACT is now widening the scope of their organization.

Their web site states:

If you’re a mental health professional:
You may be disturbed by the lack of mental health care accessible to people who are emotionally and sexually attracted to minors, or by the unavailability of accurate information about such clients and how to work with them. We help mental health professionals learn more about attraction to minors and to consider the effects of stereotyping, stigma, and fear. That way they can be informed before they work with clients who are attracted to minor’s, and before they talk about or make public statements about minor-attracted people. THEN AGAIN –

If you’re a minor-attracted person:
You may be looking for mental health services to deal with anxiety, depression, anger, or other factors either unrelated to your sexuality or resulting from society’s stereotypes and reactions to your sexual feelings. Or you may be wondering how to live life fully and stay within the law. But you may feel you can’t trust therapists because they don’t understand you, they’ll judge you, or they’ll report your feelings to others. We work toward the day when minor-attracted people can find mental health professionals they can trust. That way those in need will be able to find help developing ways of coping with their situation or society’s attitudes about them, and learn to consider the effects of their actions on themselves and others before they react.

According to the registered sex offender Paul Christiano, the pedophilia-advocacy group is “working towards de-stigmatizing the mental health community.” Christiano explained that negative societal attitudes towards minor-attracted persons “trickle down to policy-making and the mental health community.”

So at what point are we, the seemingly normal parents, supposed to stop worrying about these “minor-attracted persons” who might or might not be participating in minor porn or decides to act on his or her attraction”?
What is next? A DSM code to cover Human Trafficking and separate it into different categories as to if you participate, make financial gains, gives you control over someone else, participate for someone else, for a gang or you are just a common ole sexual deviate?

To my knowledge there is no other deviate classification in the world that tries so hard to make so many excuses for their unwarranted, unsolicited and harmful behavior of the treatment of the children of this world.

Consider, for instance, that during Obama’s first term, the official website for the Department of Health and Human Services linked to “parenting tips” that referenced children as “sexual beings” and suggested that they should experiment with homosexuality and masturbation.



Our president chose a full-fledged GLSEN gay man, Kevin Jennings, to be his first “Safe Schools Czar” who also happens to be the co-founder and former executive director of the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network. His known work in the close proximity of children leaves a lot to be desired. I am not stating he is a pedophile, but Jennings involvement in teaching our minor children things such as “fisting” at State funded events tells me otherwise.

Focusing on our 10 year old and older boys suggesting they are probably gay but just don’t realize it yet – PARENTS, I AM ASKING AGAIN, WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU?

And do not even suggest I am homophobic because I had two brothers who were gay, currently have known gay friends, but their focus on life was not to spend every waking hour with little kids. In fact, they didn’t hide the fact they were gay, but it wasn’t what they used to determine who they were.

Fortunately Jennings left that position after two years. He felt the “social conservatives” were hindering his work so he took a new job with Be The Change, Inc. a nonprofit 501(c)(3) to carry out the modern day version of Bill Clinton’s Americorps and still be around what I will still call youth between the ages of 17-24.

Just so you are aware, in Mass, the legal age of consent is 16 so these young, mostly boys are allowed to act as men in their choice of sexual partners. Thank you Barney Frank!

Sexuality StandardsBut how much damage was done to our children during Jennings tenure and now the Obama administration has given us the “National Sexuality Education Standards”. What is this administrations obsession with our children’s sexuality?

Obama knew what Jennings was! In March 2000 GLSEN held its 10 Year Anniversary GLSEN/Boston conference at Tufts University. The conference was fully supported by the Massachusetts Dept. of Education, the Safe Schools Program, the Governor’s Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth, and some of the presenters even received federal money. Michelle Malkin reported extensively on Jennings activities involving children at the time of his appointment.

At the time of this workshop, Jennings was the Executive Director of GLSEN.

During the 2000 conference, workshop leaders led a “youth only, ages 14-21″ session that offered lessons in “fisting” a dangerous sexual practice. During the same workshop an activist asked 14 year-old students, “Spit or swallow?… Is it rude?” Jennings also was the keynote speaker at the 2000 GLSEN conference. Teenage attendees were given directories to gay “leather” bars where homosexuals meet for anonymous sex and sadomasochistic “play”. These are MINOR children!

According to GLSEN, “Fisting [forcing one’s entire hand into another person’s rectum or vagina] often gets a bad rap. It’s an experience of letting somebody into your body that you want to be that’s close and intimate with and to put you into an exploratory mode.”

The above quotation comes from the MA Department of Education employees describing the pleasures of homosexual sex to a group of high school students at the state-sponsored workshop of GLSEN. Parents did you know your tax $$ were using in this way?GLSEN

GLSEN targets children in the public schools, and has formed “gay straight alliance” clubs in schools across the country. Currently there are over 900 in California alone and 53% of them are in the high schools.

So exactly what is the purpose of actively working to convince our children, with our government’s encouragement, “you might be gay and just don’t know it yet” or being involved in any way into the sexual teaching of our children?

The government will tell you it is because you and I don’t take on that responsibility but I have news for you “big Daddy” it is not any of your business how our children are educated in any way let alone their sexuality – just read the Constitution of the United States!

You remember Mr. President – you are supposed to be a “Constitutional” attorney – the Constitution gives no authority to the federal government to intrude in our homes or the education or training of our children, especially their sexual preferences. Your job is to protect the nation as a whole – not pick and choose where you want to focus and destroy.

Jennings and his GLSEN group have been working at this for 20+ years and no one from the educational system ever reported what was happening. Just one year after the “fisting” event, GLSEN under Jennings’ guidance, didn’t just recommend reading materials or lead discussions on fisting – they handed out “fisting kits” to young teens at their 2001 conference, held again at Tufts University.

How can parents allow their children to attend these events or is someone not telling them what is really going on? Children at this age are into “experimentation” of all kinds and people like Jennings know that and are experts in exploiting children.

GLSEN bookIn 2005 GLSEN handed out their “The Little Black Book – Queer in the 21st Century” at Brookline High School in MA. Their reading list is a “who’s who” of gay pornography!

Such books as “Heather has Two Mommies” a pro-lesbian parenting storybook, “Daddy’s Roommate,” about the “son” of two gay men, plus “And Tango Makes Three”, a tail of gay penguins, have been used in different states to brainwash children as young as kindergarten age. So what is one left to think?

Parents are you watching? Not only is our Federal government actively going along with Obama on this type of agenda, but there is a large increase in the push for Islam in the schools. Talk about indoctrination. It comes in many forms and it is being used in many ways – The TARGET – your children.


Our Children Used As Communist Bait

"Come My Little Pretties"!

“Come My Little Pretties”!

More and more attention is being given to the horrors that are being perpetrated upon our children. Human trafficking, pedophilia, for profit education, vaccination’s filled with live viruses, steroids in the milk, shootings, fluoride in the water, enforcing racial divide, television programs for dummies, psychiatrists issuing psychotropic drugs, video games which lets our children enter the world of murder, drugs and crime in general with no feelings or consequences.

The move and the want for this country to be brought to her knees is not a new objective. Senator McCarthy was right in everything he charged, but the commies had more power and managed to convince America he didn’t know what he was talking about and that he was on a witch hunt.

Obama does not get to take the honors for the idea of “bringing America to her knees”, just putting the things in place to carry it off by a stroke of his pen and the attitude “what are you going to do about it.”

The recent shootings are also a focused agenda to tear down the 2nd Amendment, using our children as a sideways target, with the left declaring we do not need guns – you can hunt and provide your food in other ways.

What? That is not what the 2nd Amendment is all about and they know it. It is all about the PEOPLE being able to protect themselves from a tyrannical government that is “out of control”.

You need clarification of “out of control”? The FEMA camps all over the country is not a dream of the writer and the propaganda the government puts out about them is to defy the imagination. Can you honestly picture a natural disaster in the U.S. that would require 800+ camps? The Rex 84 Program was established on the reasoning that if a “mass exodus” of illegal aliens crossed the Mexican/US border, they would be quickly rounded up and detained in detention centers by FEMA.

Since the forming of that program we have learned the Progressive left certainly does not care if there is an influx of illegals since they refuse to close the borders and want all illegals to be legal. Why are they refusing to close the borders – Bush, Clinton, Bush, Jr., and Obama? Because each one of them are New/One World Order “wannabe’s” and with the open borders we would become the North American States eventually.

What role are the children to play in this? Well, we have just had our first graduating class of Obama “brown-shirts” who have spent most of their lives playing kill games and watching kill & horror movies feeling no attachment to the end results. Do you really think they will hesitate to take a gun to their neighbors especially when they are young (18-24), no feelings, paid and made to feel important. Most of them are also very immature.

And the Federal government wants to talk about gun control? What about putting guns in the hands of these children to be used against their fellow Americans? They do not want to arm teachers but will older students! A large population of our children is so messed up they don’t know their right hand from their left. They certainly cannot make change in a store or answer a direct question in detail unless you give them multiple choice answers.

They believe “free” sex means “doing it” whenever you feel like it. The consequences of that mean nothing to them. I recently watched a video of young Americans (age 20-30) being asked about their feeling in regard to abortion and almost 100% asked responded there was absolutely nothing wrong with abortion, sex on demand or that they should be held responsible financially if a child resulted. They are being taught immorality “should” be the norm.

In addition in the same video, most were willing to “kill for hire”! “What the heck, I don’t known’um.”

The schools should not be in the business of teaching or approving of sexual behaviors in students. It might be better for the whole country if they focused on abstaining rather than free condoms, showing them how to use condoms and taking our girls for free abortions without parental permission but at the same time they cannot have aspirin in their purse or backpack.

Our children swear at the drop of a hat! They are rude, arrogant, and dis-respectful and have no idea what they want in their future except for someone else to pay for it. Adding to that you have the Federal government passing legislation in favor of gay & lesbian agendas in the schools even to the point Obama’s first appointment to the office of the Safe School Czar was to a “for many years” homosexual.

I personally have no problem if you want to declare yourself gay or lesbian – I do have a serious problem that they think they have the to right behind the backs of parents to present programs to children as young as 10 “that they are probably gay but just do not realize it yet”. To me you are bordering on pedophilia!

The added us of our legislative process to write and pass legislation against “bullying” but in same legislation inferring the only bullying going on is against gays, lesbians and trans genders. So in how many school districts now is it alright for a student to choose on any given day what sexual preference he or she prefers to observe. Your daughter can dress as a boy and us the boys restroom and a boy can go dressed as a girl and use the girls restroom. This is with full support of our president I might add.

Where does this all come from? Mostly it comes from the first paragraph of this article and the rest from a slow, precise indoctrination through their education and the immoral world around them. You say not so! Really you ask? How many stories have you heard over the last year of Union teachers sending home union propaganda and endorsements of Obama in everything he does? Urging the students to convince their parents to vote for Obama – singing songs to his praises in school.

We set up an idol in the office of the president and at the same time tear down the very core of America – God, the Constitution, Flag, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence and our Moral Fiber.

A recent reading test given to 3rd grade school children in Florida focused on how much better life is if your parents were part of a Union. It portrayed every aspect of the home life as better if your parents just paid Union dues.

I want to make it clear this writer is not implying ALL children fit into the above descriptions, but those who do not are in the minority. I can tell you my research shows if a child is raised in a Judeo/Christian home (even if unfortunately there is a divorce) with fundamental basics of morality, religion and respect, they see past the indoctrination process and even go home and tell their parents what is happening in their schools.

Beware – private schools are beginning to follow the push for the Charter school pattern of “for-profit”, public private partnerships by making deals with businesses to enforce the Communist “School-to-Work Opportunities Act of 1994 (the “School-to-Work Act”).

Parents we need to be paying more attention to what is happening to our children through their schools through political legislation without any true interest in what the end results are in regard to our children’s futures! . Don’t be fooled by fancy legislation titles and well laid out collateral plans by big business, foundations and money-changers!


GLSEN Agenda Co-opting Your Child!


In case you have missed it with everything else that’s going on, there is a bill in the US House (H.R. 998) and the US Senate (S 555)  of which almost every Democrat who is brain-dead has signed on to support the legislation.  Both bills are named incorrectly the “Student Non-Discrimination Act (SNDA) aka, the “Homosexual Classroom Act.”  I published this blog last April and I don’t think anyone paid any attention to it and I am going to ask again – “PARENTS WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU?”  These are 2 bills set out to further the  homo-sexualizing of  public school classrooms.  I tried to get you to be out-raged when the information leaked out from Michelle Malkin in 2009 about the direction this administration was taking in regards to the homosexual issue especially in regard to our children with the appointment of Kevin Jennings as the “Safe School Czar.”

Now next month, all over the country the schools will be forcing  hundreds of thousands of innocent school children to be subjected to the most despicable brainwashing ever conducted in the American classrooms. They will be taught, through carefully constructed lesson plans, to view homosexuals as a superior class of human beings whose influence on society has been wholly benign, but whose contributions to society have been limited due to irrational prejudice and bigotry. They will learn the importance of protecting homosexuals from societal “homophobia,” perhaps even emanating from their own parents, and that homosexuality is a perfectly normal and healthy (and unchangeable) form of sexual identity. In other words, they will be indoctrinated in provably false and thoroughly biased pro-“gay” propaganda.

This week the Miami Herald ran a news story about a Broward County, Florida school that will teach “gay” history to kindergarteners http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/09/18/3009207/broward-school-board-expected.html , but most GLSEN teachers will conduct these indoctrination sessions with no meaningful outside scrutiny.

We have seen this before – with “hate crime” legislation for example, and more recently in the significant increase in taxpayer money specifically designated to benefit the Gay Lesbian, Bi-Sexual and Transgender (GLBT) causes. Last year, the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN) received $285,000 from the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to increase the number of schools establishing “safe spaces” for GLBT students. You tax dollars at work!

The re-introduction of the Student Non-Discrimination Act (SNDA) is yet another indication of where this movement is headed. It is certainly not interested in equality. The end goal is much more in line with an affirmative-action-type promotion for homosexuals, bisexuals and transgendered persons. S. 555, introduced by Sen. Al Franken, MN-D, and H.R. 998, introduced by Rep. Jared Polis, CO-D, would be more appropriately titled the “GLBT Student Promotion Act.” The clear focus of SNDA is spelled out on its first finding emphasizing, “Public school students who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender … have been and are subject to pervasive discrimination, including harassment, bullying, intimidation and violence.” There is no quarrel with this being a fact – the bullying – but what concerns me is if you research GLSEN enough you find they like to have seminars to emphasize “children from ages 10-12 are probably gay – they just don’t know it yet.”

We need to find the real reason for the push for Gay and Lesbian sexual rights in Elementary schools – the bullying in our schools most definitely needs to be addressed but not by legislation to force this type of agenda on our school children. This is one more reason to Home School your children. The more revealing question is: why are they focusing on sexual behavior alone?  All students should be protected from bullying!. Bullying or harassment for any reason is reprehensible.

The answer, SNDA declares, is that bullying based on “sexual orientation” represents a distinct and especially severe problem.” Apparently for Mr. Franken, Mr. Polis and their GLBT supporters, the pain an obese child feels when he is bullied or one who stutters or is handicapped is not as severe as that of a bullied homosexual. What about the other children who are bullied or harassed at school because they are skinny, wear glasses or don’t have money to buy the latest designer clothing, the latest electronic gadgets or countless other things. Bullies unfortunately have been a part of our childhoods for longer than I care to think about. This act is trying to mask its obvious promotion of inequality by saying, “Federal statutory provisions expressly address discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, disability and national origin.” But when you are placing the emphasis on SEX the bills take on a whole different agenda.

Someone needs to explain to us why this bill is not addressing the protection and safety of all school children not just those who might think or have been convinced they are homosexuals, bi-sexuals or transgender. For me the answer to this question is obvious although some might not agree. I think the purpose of the bill is not really for the protection of the students but is actually a kind of “Trojan Horse” with the single objective of promoting/forcing the acceptance of GLBT behavior by removing deeply hidden beliefs that the left like to call “homophobic.”

There is a very serious danger in legislation such as this. Are we now going to say it is bullying or harassment if a student states his belief is that marriage is between one man and one woman? What if a student’s religion has taught him homosexuality is wrong or sinful – is this student now considered a bully? How far-reaching could this legislation go? We have already seen where students who were biologically born of one sex, think they would rather be the opposite sex, then state they are discriminated on if not allowed to use the restroom of the sex they state they prefer to be.

Earlier this year a Federal Judge ruled a Missouri school district had to unlock its web filters to allow students access to sexually explicit materials. The ACLU (don’t you just love the ACLU) (does it ever cross your mind they never stand up for Judeo/Christian beliefs?) had filed a lawsuit against the school district claiming it was deliberately restricting access to homosexual websites while at the same time allowing students to view what the ACLU claimed by LBGT were websites that condemned homosexuality. I would just bet grade school children were on the internet looking for “gay bashing websites.”  Are these judges out of their minds or just bought off? I believe the only reason the House bill is sitting idle right now is because the House majority is Republican – what if it changes in November?  Be prepared!

Parents must take a stand against this continued intrusion into our schools by Federal legislation and the DOE which they are using to turn our children away from Judeo/Christian beliefs, harmony between parents and their children and using the Educational system as a way to bring socialism and immorality into our lives. Think about how much immorality, abortion and gay agenda’s have been pushed on the American people in the last 10 years creating in America a state of Immorality the likes of which this country has never before seen.

I believe this law if passed, is one that could go all the way to the Supreme Court and if the so called Conservative legislators sign this bill, we need to take an even more serious look at their ability to lead this country. Parents, now is the time to express your displeasure with these bills. With your school boards also! All our children deserve to be protected in school not just the ones who might be or think they are gay, lesbian, bi-sexual or transgender. Someone please tell me how a 10-year-old knows he or she is gay – at that age they are usually not even thinking about sex yet? Do 10 year olds not have better things to deal with?


I want to make myself clear – this is not a gay bashing article. It is an article about once again a minority group of people trying to push their agenda on the majority through legislation without looking at the whole picture and in the process of doing so, you are using the most vulnerable among us to accomplish your deed.  In fact, I find this legislation to be selfish, self-centered and totally without regard as to the safety and future of our children.

Kevin Jennings,the founder of GLSEN, was appointed by the Obama administration to run the Office of Safe & Drug Free Schools in the US Department of Education (he has since left the office)! GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network). This was a major article posted on Michelle Malkin’s blog for over 2 weeks. http://michellemalkin.com/2009/12/04/explosive-the-not-safe-for-school-reading-list-of-the-safe-schools-czar/



