Grades 2This past weekend the story was released about the consequences of the State School Board agreeing to play games with the Florida grading system AGAIN!

Although the information in the story in the Orlando Sentinel is unsettling it once again shows how the state continues to mess with the education of our children – from the standards, to the curriculum, to the textbooks, to the grading system. Are they ever going to learn to just give our children a good education with the very best teachers, curriculum, textbooks and all the rest that goes with it rather than continually changing the rules of the game and playing with their futures?

Just who is their allegiance to – our children or the money men?

What Floridians Against Common Core Education is actually more concerned about is the drastic drop in some of the grades of the schools. Focusing on Central Florida since that is the information that was in the article, someone please explain to me how a consistently A school over a 5 year period drops to an actual D but is given a C. How does a B school drop to a D which would have been an F?

COMMON CORE???? The reports that have been out by parents show a major increase in frustration by the elementary school children. How does the state school board, legislators and governor explain the dramatic drop? This is not just a matter of changing the grading system.

Information on the states “School Accountability Reports” site does not have the scores posted for 2011-2012 or 2012-2013 years – so the grades I followed were from the 2006-2007 through 2010-2011. Even with the missing 2 year reports the grade drops for the schools mentioned – there needs to be a reason and the only thing really new is the Common Core Standards along with the new curriculum and textbooks.

Parents should not be willing to “just accept” whatever is being handed out but full explanations need to be forthcoming from the local school districts, individual schools and the State Department of Education and the State School Board.

A statement such as the one by Patricia Levesque, Jeb Bush’s Chief of Staff at both his foundations, ‘this just highlight’s where students are struggling the most and it’s been powerful”. The Bush Foundations have pushed for the A-F grading system which there is nothing wrong with that – just pick a system and stick with it.

Levesque went on to say “too many changes were made too quickly to the grading formula that now must be simplified”. Do you think? At the push from your foundations to get all your ideas in place at what cost just as you have done with the implementation of the Common Core Standards and the Charter/Choice boondoggle. Although the foundation was opposed to the State Board’s decision to make the changes last July because it would prevent schools with the lower grades from getting the resources they needed.

What resources? Moving the students to a Charter school? They are quick to note that under Florida law parents have the ability to move their children from D or F schools to Charter/Choice.

Now I have another question for all of you. Knowing Common Core has been set up to be instituted in every public and private school in this state, why is Jeb Bush still pushing Charter/Choice?????

UNELECTED school boards who for taxpayers means “taxation without representation” and using our children once again as “Human Capital” in public private partnerships! “They” just never stop!

Jeb Bush has a financial interest in all of this and never forget it!
Bricks and mortar
Accountability is the key word and they are intending on sweeping this under the bricks and mortar!

2 thoughts on “WHAT HAVE THEY DONE?

    • Thank you for the honor. I guess all states have their individual as well as collective problems these days. The more we share the better. I feel if it isn’t happening in your state today, it probably will be tomorrow! Blessings!

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